7 Podcasts / Project for a Trip to Syria

7Podcasts was originally produced for the Festival Surge Madrid, and consists in a fictional audio piece, divided into seven parts.  Based on the appropriation and rewriting of the short story ‘Project for a trip China’, written by Susan Sontag, the project addresses the images of the Syrian Revolution and proposes a process of self-criticism: how do we look at the others?

Written in the early 1970s, Sontag’s text consists of little paragraphs, a collection of images and stories triggered by the planification of a trip to a place where she has never been. Her own memories intertwine with both fantasies and historical facts, unfolding in a multilayered perspective on China, beyond clichés and commonplaces. Similarly, the project plays with the idea of two dimensions, the actual place and the other, often exoticized version of our imagination.

7Podcasts navigates the imaginary produced around Syria through a series of stories that articulate the ways in which the country was represented in film and literature with concrete elements of its political and social history. By rewriting personal and collective stories, it proposes to reflect on the ethics of representation and the status of images as instruments for political consciousness.

The project is connected with a long-term research that Túlio Rosa has been developing since 2015 about the dynamics of circulation of images of violence, and its relation with the body.

Research and Direction
Túlio Rosa
Ana Luiza Fortes
Janaina Carrer
Ana Luiza Fortes, Cristina Cejas, Túlio Rosa and Xurxo Rubin
Design Web
Luis Fernandez Gonzalez-Irun
Magdalena Brezzo, Petr Hosek

+ Info

> Spotify
> Surge Madrid